To all who'll read... I guess

So I know I’ve been gone for such a long time after saying all those really cool stuff about my life being in a good place, right now. And honestly, the past posts were just reblogs (reposts actually) of past works. I know! Shameless. *hides my face under my invisibility cloak* giphy.gif
Anyway, this right here is a declaration of war! Oh yes earthlings! Henceforth, I will wage war with none other than PERFECTION and PROCRASTINATION! That’s right! You read right. The reason I haven’t been writing and posting too often (unless it’s Twitter or YT comments) is because I am just too lazy. And yes, laziness can sometimes stem from the constant need for perfection.
Lately, I have been through a series of achievements that I feel my writings have not been at par as to where they were before. I am not one to constantly look at my traffic but when you constantly look at your phone all day, you begin to wonder … “Hey, let’s see how my blog is doing even when I didn’t post anything. Did anyone comment? Do I have a new follower?” And I know this is a little too low for my readers who also know me in personal life but yeah.. apparently, a series of achievements makes you a little more vain. In any case, what I am trying to say is that this is my only reason and as a writer,which I fully claim to be, is a lame … the lamest reason there is to give! There have been times when a good line would get stuck in my head for days but I would just neglect it because picking up the pen and scribbling it is just so frigging tiring! That and my My Gel just vanishes whenever I need it. I swear to G! It does! For reals!
So … this is in a way a commitment. I will probably still write too many halfheartedly written drafts but then the intent is for me to actually get to writing A LOT again. I haven’t had enough of this site yet, which is an accomplishment in itself and I sure would like to reconnect with the followers I’ve had from the beginning and those I’ve been sharing witty banters with. Either way, I would like to get back in the game and make my pen do its familiar caper on my journal. There is no need for me to say this but I wanted to type something away so my workmates will think I’m busy and not bother me before the end of my shift. Hah! Sssssshh.. Do not tell them! Until then, my lovely little peeps!

Did you miss me?


7 thoughts on “ATTN!

  1. 😹😹😹😹 I can’t really answer that question, it’s a secret too🙊🙈😉 Welcome back Specialize, glad to have you back 😄
    So all those posts were reblogs huh? Interesting 🤓

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahah! I missed writing so much and sharing chocolates that I’m glad to be back too! Yes. I’ll probably put ‘reposts’ on them so y’all won’t get confused. Thanks, Aud!

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  2. It happens alot to me to!
    Yes I did noticed that you were not posting.So,yeah Kinda missed your posts.
    It’s good to have you back in the game!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jamila! Yeah… We all have our moments. I don’t get much free time from work now as much as I would want to but I’ll make this work. I’m ready to make chocolates!

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  3. June was my weakest month overall in terms of posts. It’s like a snowball effect. You miss one day and it just spirals out of control. I know the feeling. Even if it’s one sentence, as long you make it a new sentence every day, you won’t let yourself fall behind.

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    1. I feel as though a lot of things have happened to me in June and so I wanted to share it with y’all but by the time I wanted to share it, I got so overwhelmed by the sheer number of happy memories so I just skipped and said, “Eh… Some day.” And now it’s the second week of July! I need an alarm clock for this. Hahah! And yes, thanks. That’s noted. My notebook needs some love and attention.

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